Art / Artist of the Month

Artist of the Month: Inkie

By Cat Marshall  Tuesday Nov 29, 2016

In December 2016 we have two amazing Artist of the Month. When internationallly renowned street artist Inkie contacted us looking to get involved we could hardly say no.

Inkie has produced a new screen print which is only available from our online shop. Indigo Ink uses rich shades of purple to create the long, flowing hair of his signature female figure. The print features silver dust, which brings texture to the outline of the picture. 

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A range of Inkie’s originals are also available and he has chosen to donate proceeds to the Cochlear Implant Unit at Bristol Royal Infirmary. Throughout his career he has raised over £100,000 for charity, but this cause is of personal importance to him as his eldest daughter was born profoundly deaf and this operation has changed her life. 

Dusk Till Dawn- Original- Canvas- £900

For those of you who aren’t familiar with his work, Inkie is a graffiti artist, graphic designer and illustrator from Bristol.

Born and bred in the city, he was part of the first wave of Bristol graffiti artists including 3D, Nick Walker, Crime Inc. and the Barton Hill Youth Centre artists in the early eighties.


Click here to buy this month’s artwork


“I then worked closely with Banksy until the late 1990’s when I moved to London, became head of design for SEGA and also a designer in Jade Jagger’s studio” he says,

“I’m now working solely as an artist travelling the world creating large scale paintings, producing gallery shows and making prints as well as generally causing a nuisance.”

And there is nowhere that Inkie would rather cause a nuisance in the UK than Bristol. He has a fond love for the artistic culture of his home city which he believes is different from other cities.

“Its a more sociable group of artists / creatives with people pooling ideas and processes helping the scene move forward when compare to other cities that are more insular.”

His career has been so exciting that he finds it hard to pin point his most notable moments, but coming second in the World Street Art Championship 1989, curating the artists for See No Evil Festival and painting a 22 man Halloween wall with his childhood graffiti heroes are just a few.

Well known for his colourful, distinctive pictures that can be recognised as you walk around Bristol, as well as street art Inkie also creates vivid screen prints. His style is inspired by Art Nouveau, crystals, the architecture of Victor Horta and a variety of natural objects. 

“I start with collecting reference images and then make a pencil drawing,” he explains,

“This is then inked and scanned into my Mac where I separate out the colours before screen printing.”

Currently working on some 3D sculptural works, Inkie’s future plans are to create textile pattern designs and jewellery.

Framing partner Seb Reed explains the reasoning behind the framing decision for Inkie’s work: “When Inkie came in to drop off his print he picked up this silver frame. Turns out I think it works really well and I decided to keep it just as it is. The ornate decoration works with the print, and leaving off a mount gives it a nice simple feel.”

For more frames visit

Framed print: £137

Quote Bristol24/7 to The Little Framing Company and get 15% off all framing

Artist of the month is put together in association with the Smithson Gallery. 


Read more: St Paul’s attacked by giant octopus

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