News / Health

Bristol Rugby kicks off Sugar Smart campaign

By Bristol24/7  Monday Jan 16, 2017

Jamie Oliver’s Sugar Smart initiative has been launched in Bristol.

Bristol is the first city in the UK to sign up to the programme, which will help people to recognise how much sugar is in the food they eat.

It’s being backed by organisation across the city including Bristol Sport Foundation, which helped launch Sugar Smart during Bristol Rugby’s game against Bath at Ashton Gate.

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Fans watched Jamie Oliver’s Sugar Smart video before the game which was repeated before the City vs Cardiff game on Saturday. 

Ben Breeze, chief community officer at Bristol Sport Foundation, said they were proud to support the programme: “Bristol Sport Foundation will deliver Health and Wellbeing programmes in schools throughout Bristol and help to promote and champion healthy lifestyle choices with our corporate partners in the Lansdown Club, our group of sports and at the stadium itself.”

Ashton Gate has pledges to try and reduce sugar sold in its concession stalls

Others organisation already involved include Redcliffe Children’s Centre and Nursery, which is championing healthy eating for families and children; the Square Food Foundation, which teaches people from all walks of life to cook from scratch; Bristol-based creative agency, Six, as well as the city’s Youth Council who kicked off the conversation about sugar at a debate in December. The city’s two hospital trusts are also on board and promoting how to be Sugar Smart to their 17,000 staff. Information will be going to the city’s GP surgeries, dentists and children’s centres this month and all organisations involved are doing so on a pro-bono and voluntary basis.

The programme will initially focus on reducing sugar consumption in schools; promoting healthy vending choices; Sugar Smart workplaces; and a food award for restaurants and takeaways who commit to making positive changes.


Read more: Bristol to become Sugar Smart 


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