News / Adblock Bristol

Campaigners paint over ‘illegal’ ad billboards in Bristol

By Mia Vines Booth  Thursday Aug 3, 2023

Campaigners have painted over a large billboard in south Bristol to protest illegal ad billboards in the city.

Activists from Adblock Bristol used paint to cover the advertising space, and replaced it with the words “No ads, trees pls”.

The billboard on East Street – which has since been replaced with more advertising – is used by advertising company Build Hollywood and has seen various companies advertise there, including Nettflix and men’s clothing brand, Horrox.

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But campaigners say the site is illegal, and that advertising companies have not applied for planning permission.

The billboard was almost immediately replaced with more ads – photo: Sophie Granville George

Adblock Bristol acknowledged it is difficult for the council to enforce advertising standards, so has offered to take enforcement into their own hands.

The campaign group monitors all new planning applications for billboards on advertising sites and has set up a “deactivation” team to paint over ones they say are illegal.

When Bristol24/7 asked if the council is planning to crack down on illegal advertising in Bristol, a spokesperson responded that all potential breaches of advertising regulations should be reported to the council’s Planning Enforcement team.

“Where someone believes that a breach of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 has taken place, this should be reported to the council’s Planning Enforcement team. Reported cases will be investigated and action taken if appropriate.”

The action comes after a huge digital billboard next to Cabot Circus was defaced by activists.

And on Wednesday, a double-sided digital advertising screen on Gloucester Road was refused permission by the council, after campaigners submitted dozens of objections.

Main photo: Adblock Bristol

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