News / Politics

Calls to remove parking perks for councillors

By Bristol24/7  Monday Feb 20, 2017

A Green councillor is appealing for the removal of free parking privileges for councillors, former councillors and senior city council staff. 

The extra money raised by removing the little-known perk could be used to support some of Bristol’s most vulnerable people instead.

Bristol24/7 understands that some former councillors holding the ceremonial position as city aldermen park for free at College Street car park behind City Hall when they drive into the city centre to do their shopping.

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Eleanor Combley, councillor for Bishopston and Ashley Down, has put forward an amendment to the council budget to stop the issuing of the free parking permits, saying this would allow the spaces to be used for paying customers, raising much needed income for the city.

Her amendment proposes that this income is put towards the Supporting People budget which funds preventative services that support vulnerable people to live independently.

Combley said: “First and foremost this is about fairness and about us following our own rules.

“The council’s constitution is very clear that the allowance we are given is also to cover travel costs within the city.

“Any councillor getting the bus or the train pays for their own ticket, so why are we using taxpayers’ money to subsidise councillors who choose to drive by paying for their parking?”

She added: “I know I have the full support of the other councillors in the Green group, but I don’t know whether councillors from other parties will vote to support my amendment.

“I hope they will see that finding an excuse to cling onto this perk when we are cutting desperately needed services in this city should be unacceptable.”


Read more: Bristol City Council required savings rise to £100m

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