News / University Challenge

Bristol University to face tough opponents in quarter final of University Challenge

By Guy Marcham  Friday Jan 26, 2018

The University of Bristol’s finest quiz team returns to television screens across the UK next week as they enter into an epic game of wits against tough opponents, Newcastle University.

On Monday, January 29, the Bristol team will find themselves battling it out in the first of the quarter final matches, having gloriously sailed through a 205-to-100 victory against Trinity College, Oxford in this, the 47th series of University Challenge.

Team captain, first year student Sam Hosegood, who studies chemical physics, gave an insight into what it’s like to face not just the fellow universities, but more importantly, Jeremy Paxman.

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“It’s difficult to explain how nerve-racking it is when you’re sitting on set with all the lights and cameras on you waiting for the first question to be read,” he told Bristol24/7. “However, despite how stressful the filming can be at times, the whole experience was really good fun”.

The Bristol team have been practising hard and putting in the hours in preparation for the series.

“One of the greatest strengths of our team is that we get on so well, meaning that meeting up to practice is never a chore,” Sam continued. “We all looked forward to our weekly practice sessions and now that the filming is over, we still regularly go to the pub together – and, of course, to the occasional pub quiz!”

University Challenge will be shown at 8.30pm on Monday, January 29 2018, on BBC2.

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