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Council to stop maintaining buildings, roads & parks

By Bristol24/7  Wednesday Nov 30, 2016

All Bristol City Council maintenance of buildings, roads and parks will stop unless there is a risk to people’s health or safety, as the council works to balance its annual budget.

A freeze on non-essential spending is in place in preparation for a five-year £92m financial gap from April 2017. The council will also stop recruiting any permanent or temporary roles unless they provide legally-required services.

“This temporary spending freeze is about focusing everyone on the challenge we face whilst also making more immediate savings,” says Bristol mayor Marvin Rees.

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“Like most councils we need strong plans to deal with our finances whilst investing in our long term future.

“In Bristol this is about building a fairer, more inclusive city which connects people with homes, jobs, opportunities and each other. This includes fulfilling my election pledges and lobbying the government for a better deal and more powers.

“The current process is painful but necessary. The cost of not balancing our budget would be far higher and I do not just want to store up problems. We must be financially responsible and challenge our spending.”

Read the council’s existing savings proposals, have your say and submit new ideas at A public consultation on the draft Corporate Strategy is open until Thursday 5 January 5, 2017.


Read more: Balancing Bristol’s budget – over to you

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