News / Unicornfest

Unicorn sculpture damaged before trail even begins

By Martin Booth  Thursday Jun 29, 2023

The organisers of Unicornfest are “dismayed” that before the trail has even officially started, one of the sculptures has already been damaged.

The horn on the sculpture by Cheba was snapped off less than 24 hours after it was placed in position.

Butterfly Concerto was on display in front of St Mary Redcliffe Church, with the animal described as being “filled with an array of multicoloured abstract butterflies and vibrant abstract flower-shaped brushstrokes that reflect the unicorn’s serene beauty and create a mystical cosmic meadow-like realm from where the unicorn reside”.

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The horn of Butterfly Concerto has been snapped off since this photo was taken – photo: Cheba

In a statement on Wednesday evening, Unicornfest organisers said: “Unfortunately we need to report our first breakage of the trail.

“Less than 24 hours after being placed on the trail, the horn on the fabulous Butterfly Concerto has been snapped off.

“We will be working as quickly as possible to repair this unicorn but we’re dismayed this has happened even before the trail has begun.

“We urge all members of the public to enjoy the trail by simply looking and taking photos of the unicorns.

“Please do not climb or stand on the plinths and please do not touch their horns. We want as many people as possible to enjoy this trail and we need to avoid incidents like this.

“This is a charity event to raise money and awareness for Leukaemia Care UK and every single breakage takes away from money being raised to support leukaemia patients and their families.

“If you’d like to support Leukaemia Care financially during the trail, you can scan the Moneyhub QR code on the plaques. Alternatively, donate at

Main photo: Cheba

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