Features / bristol refugee rights

Supporting LGBTQ+ refugees through the coronavirus

By Lowie Trevena  Tuesday Apr 28, 2020

Part of Bristol Refugee Rights, Pride Without Borders is a support group for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees living in the city.

The project has been running for more than half a decade, and provides people seeking asylum and refuge in Bristol a place to meet and talk with others in the same situation, as well as get advice on legal issues and find out more about being queer in the UK.

“We help members to reflect on their physical and mental health,” explains Tom Daly, who works with the group. “We offer a safe space, a non-judgemental and caring atmosphere.”

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It is one of several complimentary services offered by Bristol Refugee Rights and has 35 active members.

Pride Without Borders normally meets fortnightly but are currently running group video meetings and telephone calls in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

To fund its usual activities and support, the organisation has an ongoing fundraiser. Money raised through the Fundsurfer ensures the project continues, and will help towards expansion and increased reach, as well as actively challenge homophobia and transphobia in the refugee and asylum-seeking community.

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the government lockdown, Pride Without Borders’ and Bristol Refugee Rights’ situation has become increasingly precarious

In order to continue Bristol Refugee Rights, and in turn, Pride Without Borders’ vital work, a Crowdfunder has been launched.

“The current situation has made Pride Without Borders’ members circumstances even worse along with other asylum seekers and refugees,” says Asli Tatliadim, who works for Bristol Refugee Rights.

“Our campaign aims to respond to the emergencies of everyone that is a member of ours.”

Money raised through the fundraiser will support LGBTQ+ and non-queer refugees and asylum seekers, through providing support including support through telephone calls, supplying digital resources such as laptops, phone and data packages and interpreters.

The campaign will have a significant impact on those who cannot access digital tools and will allow staff and volunteers to support up to 100 families and individuals a week.

A member of Pride Without Borders. Photo: Sam Harvey

As well as supporting refugees and asylum seekers through the pandemic, the campaign will have an unprecedented impact on LGBTQ+ people seeking refuge.

“We have formed a community marked by energy and appreciation; everyone has an understanding of the problems caused by the asylum system and shares experiences of a life scarred by trauma and dislocation,” Tom says.

“Members are very isolated and stressed by fears about coronavirus. Racist and homophobic incidents and conflict in crowded shared housing are likely to rise.

“We still need funds to keep running.”

Find out more at www.bristolrefugeerights.org

Donate at www.crowdfunder.co.uk/brr-tech

Main photo: Diego Maeso

Read more: Pride Without Borders’ fundraising appeal

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