News / bristol pound

Your chance to design the new Bristol Pound notes

By Bristol24/7  Monday Jan 22, 2018

What would you put on Bristol money?

That’s the question that the Bristol Pound is asking as they launch a competition to find artwork to feature on the next edition of the notes to be printed later this year.

The competition aims to find eight images that truly represent what the city of Bristol is all about.

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Launched in 2012, the Bristol Pound aims to ensure that money circulates around the city again and again, with more than £B5m spent in the city’s economy and more than 700 businesses currently accepting the currency.

As part of their money-saving measures, the city council are planning to end their annual £40,000 subsidy to the project.

Ruby Szarowicz from the Bristol Pound said: “If you’ve got an idea, pick up a pencil and join in. Every Bristolian is invited.”

The competition has four categories: Art & Culture, Wildlife & Nature, Rebellion & Protest, and Maritime Heritage.


The design competition is open until February 22. The new notes, which will be the third edition, will go into circulation in the summer. For more information, visit

Main photo courtesy of Bristol Pound


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