Features / Christmas

Bristol Charity Advent Calendar – day 19

By Bristol24/7  Thursday Dec 15, 2016

Creative Youth Network enables young people in Bristol to reach their potential by building lasting, secure relationships with them based on trust and their unique needs.

In safe and creative environments, young people get social and emotional support through youth programs and one-to-one work, and opportunities for creative expression through ambitious arts programmes.

Helping young people to find careers in the creative industries, Creative Youth Network provides access to alternative education, training and employment for those who are disengaged with the traditional system.  

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Over the past year, the charity has worked with more than 3,000 young people, from a wide range of backgrounds to help them turn a corner and make a real and lasting change in their lives.

They provide a variety of services including one to one support with a reliable and trustworthy youth worker, career development training and support, access to alternative education and opportunities for creative expression, through courses in music production, fashion, photography and film making.

Creative Youth Network CEO Sandy Hore-Ruthven said: “The work we do encourages young people to unlock their skills and confidence. They find and use their voices, which leads to entering adulthood with the ability to change their own world for the better.”

– To donate, visit their website
– Follow the charity on Facebook and Twitter 

Every day during Advent, Bristol24/7 will be focusing on a Bristol charity that you can support. If you want to see a charity featured, please email [email protected]

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