Art / maths
APERIODIC: the festival celebrating maths and physics through an artistic lens
The programme will include painting, sculpture, audiovisual work and live art
Art / maths
The programme will include painting, sculpture, audiovisual work and live art
News / Science
They have been named Timorebestia, meaning “terror beasts” in Latin
News / Children of the 90s
The groundbreaking study has had a major influence on global scientific research
Family / Things to do
Featuring ants, spiders and other creepy-crawlies
News / charities
Science Creates Outreach is part of the Science Creates and University of Bristol deep-tech hub
News / LettUs Grow
They say it could meet the growing demand for food without sacrificing sustainability
News / The University of Bristol
“A game-changer for more sustainable and affordable future energy supply”
News / Member news
He spoke about the region's science, research and innovation challenges